Monday, November 19, 2007

Todd and Zoe

My sweet little cat Zoe passed away on Friday, November 16th. She had been my good friend for nearly eight years, and our whole family adored her.

Todd was allergic to cats -- not deathly so, but they did cause his allergies to flare up. Consequently, he had a policy of not allowing himself to become very attached to any cute, furry, animals. (Not that he disliked them -- he simply preferred to remain indifferent.) I think Zoe, however, managed to secure a rather special place in his heart. I can recall some rather tender moments between the two of them, and I think he was more fond of her than he perhaps wanted to be.

Zoe was always drawn toward humans. She wasn't shy at all. Now, I like to envision her having adopted her "Uncles Todd and Paul" as her new humans, hanging around with them, amusing them with her antics, and otherwise keeping them company. Todd doesn't have to worry about allergies anymore, and I rather suspect he'll be honoring his earthly mother's hope that he'll keep an eye on the precious little furball.

Raving mad cat lover that I am, I certainly wasn't above projecting all kinds of human traits upon poor Zoe during her life, at least in fun. Human thought and speech were the most commonly transferred characteristics. When Todd was alive, sometimes I'd mention that Zoe had asked me to tell him hello for her. His response would always be, "And a fine 'meow, meow' back to the feline!"

This Thanksgiving, our family will be remembering Todd, Paul, and Zoe in our feast. It seems appropriate in this season of appreciation that we be most grateful for the precious relationships that we're given in life, for the opportunities we have to love and be loved, and for the assurance that our most cherished relationships can continue forever.

To Todd, Paul, and Zoe: Happy Thanksgiving!


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