Monday, April 7, 2008

Victim Impact Statements

A pre-sentence report is compiled for final sentencing on May 16, 2008. If you feel like you have been impacted by Todd's murder, you are welcome to contribute a written statement regarding the financial, physical, and emotional impact of this crime upon you. It should be addressed "Dear Judge". A short letter can be just as impactful (and more likely to be read completely) as a long letter. I am planning to ask that John be sentenced to the full 35 years (and am fine if others want to request the same!) I have been told that we should not mention other crimes, but comments should be specific to Todd's murder. Please submit your written statement to our victim's advocate by April 30, 2008. Her email address is, and she is also accepting pictures (of you and Todd) along with your impact statement. I have some example statements if you are interested.

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