First is the eulogy. There are two versions of it, one from each funeral. The main difference between them is that the first one (given in Centreville, Virginia) contains a message from us to his assailant. It was quite therapeutic at the time, and I'm glad we put it in there. For the second funeral (in Riverton, Utah), however, we decided we didn't want to perpetuate the same level of anger, so we took that part out. There were also a few other minor changes, but nothing worth enumerating here.
So here they are (click on the links): The Virginia eulogy and the Utah eulogy. Also, shown below in this post are a couple of photos relating to stories we shared about Todd.
Also very much in demand has been Mark's talk on forgiveness, which was delivered in the same form at both services. It really is excellent, and I highly recommend reading it. We have actually been discussing submitting a modified version of it for publication in The Ensign. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, here's the link for that one.
And here's Todd!
Here's Todd as Aslan the lion in Narnia. I'm not sure of the date, but I think it was maybe two years ago. It was definitely while he was living in Ridgecrest.
Home for the Holidays in 1999: Here's Todd "lovingly obeying his mother" by bringing Scott for dinner. ;-) Some things we thought would never change! (*Sigh!*) Scott's face has been blocked out for security reasons -- we don't want John knowing what he looks like.
We miss you, Todd!
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