Monday, March 3, 2008

A Happy Thought

As the trial draws nearer, I sometimes feel pain from old wounds that I had hoped were healed. I suspect I'm not alone in this. So, I thought it would be a good time to share a happy thought:

The surest way to find real happiness is to focus on those things that matter more than your own happiness.


Carrie Johanson said...

Mark, thanks so much for this thought - the acknowledgment of how we are feeling, and reminder of what will bring the most peace.

Lisa Rogers said...

Thanks, Mark. Apart from being very good advice, it's also something that Todd himself was very practiced at. Remembering that makes me feel happy to have known him.

Big hugs to everyone as Monday approaches! What a world we live in!


Lisa Rogers said...

SKye Hodges, a friend of ours from Utah, sent this very kind note on March 11th. He said would have posted himself if he'd had access, and asked that I post it for him. Here it is:

"I just barely found this blog. Thanks for putting it together (to all of you) I hope that you will be able to post updates as they become publicly available. Our hearts and prayers go out to you, Rogers and Johansons, I hope that you are able to find a fullness of peace no matter what the outcome."

Thanks, SKye.

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To see existing comment(s), you have to go back to the very top of the post and click on the title of the post, which is underlined just below the date. (Bit of a pain, I know, but I'm not sure how to make it work otherwise.)

To make a new comment, click on the "# comments" link at the bottom of the post, immediately followed by "Posted by (name) at (time)." Or, after opening the existing comment(s), click on the link that says, "Post a comment."