Thursday, July 19, 2007

Todd's Voice

Hello - I'm posting a .wav file of the very last voice message I received from Todd. It was left late in the day on Friday, June 29th, a little over 24 hours before the assault. He had taken off work that day, and he and Carrie went to the temple together. (That's when they took the picture you see on the left.) While they were inside, they happened to run into Norm Wendel, our old high school music teacher from Taylorsville, Utah! It was such a surprising reunion, he wanted to call and tell me about it!

Anyway, after the temple, Todd and Carrie went ring shopping. The next day, Saturday the 30th, was also a beautiful day that Todd spent with loved ones. We're so grateful for those final hours that we had with him! Now, it seems strange to cherish something as ordinary as a message left on voice mail, but what can I say? I miss Todd!

Click here to access the sound file. I'm afraid it's rather large, around 1M, but well worth listening to!



Lisa Rogers said...

Here's a recording of Todd's voice from Todd and Scott's answering machine. The greeting is in Portugese. I guess that was to discourage phone solicitors from leaving messages.

Click here to get the .wav file.

By the way, Mark, what's he saying?


Lisa Rogers said...

Here is Mark's description of what he's saying:

Original: "Ligou à casa dos Rogers. Não estamos en casa, então deixa um recado. Obridago."

Translation: "You called the Rogers' house. We aren't home, so leave a message. Thank you."

Shocking. (Thanks, Mark!)


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